Status works exactly like Stories on Snapchat or Instagram. So first up, Status is no longer that boring text-based thing, which no one bothered to read or care about, although people in India are known to update Status regularly. You won’t have to search for an update on App Store or Google Play Store, as the feature has gone live on the app itself. WhatsApp has pushed it out as a OTA update. WhatsApp’s new Status, which is totally inspired from Snapchat’s Stories, was announced earlier this week by the company. The feature is live on Android, iOS and Windows smartphones across the world.
WhatsApp Status, the new feature which lets users upload photos and videos for their contacts to see, instead of a simple text-based status message, has now gone live. WhatsApp’s new Status feature, which allows for videos, photos and GIFs to be shared is now live for all users across the world.